a thousand boy kisses movie

A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie Cast, Review, Trailer, Summary

A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie is based on A Novel. The movie tells the story of 2 lovers, Rune Kristiansen and Poppy Litchfield. Their childhood friendship turns into love. Their love bond is tested by distance, heartbreak, and tragedy.

a thousand boy kisses movie
a thousand boy kisses movie

Movie Details

  • Release Date: July 19, 2018
  • Language: English
  • Filming Location:
  • Runtime: 15 times
  • Genres: Animation, Short
  • Country/Origin: United States
  • Tagline: Absence is to love what wind is to fire – it extinguishes the small it enkindles the great

A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie

Director: Richard Goldegewitch

Richard Goldegewitch
Richard Goldegewitch

Richard Goldgewicht is a Brazilian filmmaker based in Los Angeles who has worked in fiction, documentary, and animation. His work has played at major film festivals around the world.

Christian Oliver (1972-2024)

  • Born: March 3, 1972
  • Height :5′ 9¼″ (1.76 m)
  • Died: January 4, 2024
  • Spouse: Jessica Mazur
  • Children: Annik Klepser
Christian Oliver
Christian Oliver

Christian Oliver was a German actor who was mainly known for his role in the Cobra 11 television series.

Elke Sommer

  • Born: 1940
  • Age: 83 years
  • Height:  5′ 7″
  • Spouse: Wolf Walther
Elke Sommer
Elke Sommer

Elke Sommer is a German actress. She appeared in numerous films in her heyday throughout the 1960s and 1970s, including roles in The Pink Panther sequel A Shot in the Dark, the Bob Hope comedy Boy

A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie Summary

The story revolves around Rune, who moves from Norway to a new neighborhood, where he befriends Poppy at a young age. Their bond strengthens over the years, with Poppy’s grandmother giving her a jar to collect 1,000 kisses from her soulmate before she dies.

As teenagers, Rune and Poppy share dreams of attending NYU and pursuing their passions together. However, Rune’s sudden move back to Norway strains their relationship. Years later, they reunite, but Poppy reveals she’s terminally ill.

Despite the challenges, they cherish every moment together, fulfilling Poppy’s final wishes, including a makeshift prom and watching the cherry blossoms bloom. Ultimately, Poppy passes away, leaving Rune with memories and a jar of kisses. Years later, Rune reunites with Poppy in heaven, their love eternal.

A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie Review

The movie has been praised for its intense emotional impact and well-developed characters. This touching journey explores love, loss, and the enduring power of memories. The reviews suggest that “A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie” has left a lasting impression on readers, prompting strong emotional responses and a desire for the story to be adapted into a movie

The trailer of the movie A Thousand Boy Kisses

Trailer of the Movie


Is there Part 2 toof Thousand Boy Kisses?

A Thousand Broken Pieces (A Thousand Boy Kisses, #2) by Tillie Cole | Goodreads..

Is the A Thousand Boy Kisses movie ending explained?

The boy makes it his mission, before the girl passes, to get her all 1000. The girl does pass, but the epilogue is set 10 years later, where he finds himself with her again in the afterlife–i—’s quite a spiritual ending, but beautiful. It gives a tearjerker ending, a HEA finish.

When was A Thousand Boy Kisses Movie released?

The movie was released on (Mrch 15, 2016).also, the movie is based on a novel

What is Rune’s full name in A Thousand Boy Kisses?

The full name is “Rune Kristiansen ”

What is Poppy’s last name in A Thousand Boy Kisses?

Poppy and Rune first meet when Poppy Litchfield approaches the Norwegian boy, introducing herself with a handshake.

What is Poppy’s secret in A Thousand Boy Kisses?

Poppy is diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease when she’s 15 and dies at 17, so grief and anger are strong themes. There’s also a lot of sadness when Poppy is 8 and her grandmother dies.

What is the summary of A Thousand Boy Kisses?

The story is about how the boy helps her collect her ‘boy kisses’, a task given to her by her grandma when she was young. The task is to collect 10$1,000efore she dies. The boy makes it his mission, before the girl passes, to get her all 1000.

Who is the character in A Thousand Boy Kisses?

Poppy is documenting a thousand kisses from her true love. She and Rune fall instantly in love at age 5, start kissing romantically at age 8, and continue through their senior year of high school.

What isare thousand boys kissing about?

  Thousand Boy Kisses is a romance between a boy and a girl that starts when they’re 5 years old.

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